Communication matters that must be paid attention to when purchasing in China

By justchinait
December 23, 2020

No matter you are doing any business, communication is inseparable, especially in the foreign trade industry, often communicating with international friends or Chinese suppliers, it is inevitable to understand the culture of each country and the precautions for communication. So today, we will list some common sense and precautions for communicating with customers.

Ⅰ. Differentiate treatment: Do not treat customers formulaically

When serving customers, your answers are too formulaic or perfunctory, which will make customers feel that your attitude is cold, not courteous to them, and cause customer dissatisfaction. So pay attention to the following points:

1. Look at the other person talking

No matter how polite and respectful you use, if you are the only one who talks and ignores your customers, he will feel very unhappy. So look at the other person when speaking. If you do not look at the other person talking, you will make the other person uneasy. If you keep staring at the other person, the other person will feel oppressed. You have to look at customers with a gentle eye and answer their questions. Sincerely.

2. Always smile

When someone speaks to you or speaks to someone, it is easy to cause misunderstanding if you have no expression on your face. When talking, smile more to the other person, and you will understand how powerful a smile is. Not only the customer, the people around you, and even yourself will feel very happy. But if you use your smile improperly, or your smile has nothing to do with the conversation, it will make the other person feel baffled.

3. Listen attentively

When talking, you need to listen to the other person attentively and understand the other person’s message. If a person speaks for a long time, the person speaking is very tired, and the person listening is also easy to get tired. Therefore, it is better to answer each other moderately when talking.

4. Change when speaking

You should make moderate changes in your voice’s speed, pitch, and height according to what you are saying. If it’s like a robot talking, it’s boring without cadence. Therefore, you should pay more attention to your speech’s tone and content and gradually improve it.

5. Don’t be pessimistic and negative; watch the world with joy

A salesperson is under pressure from three aspects: company, customer, and family every day; a salesperson fights alone almost every day, bearing the joys and sorrows of success and failure; a salesperson Staff, every day I do my best to do things that satisfy customers, and my many opinions and opinions cannot be directly expressed. All this will make the salesperson feel bad and even depressed. But when communicating with customers, we must put aside these and not show the slightest negative attitude. Otherwise, others will not be able to have confidence and affection for you.

6. Know yourself and the enemy, and match the rhythm of the guests’ speech

The speaking habits of the guests are different, and the rhythm is fast or slow. The best strategy is to match the speaking rhythm of the guests. It is also important to understand the character of the guest beforehand. This requires more observation and diligent accumulation of experience.

7. Call guests by their names

In the conversation, according to Mr. XX’s opinion, it is often said that remember the name of the guest and make no mistakes. Especially for the first time guests. Everyone likes others to remember their own name, so they can measure their importance in others’ minds.

8. Concise and clear language

During the conversation, if the speech is verbose, the concept is vague, and the opinions are not clearly expressed, it will seriously affect the negotiation. So pay attention to the wording in the conversation, and use concise language to express yourself so that others can hear clearly.

9. Resonate

When talking, it is a pleasure to recognize one’s own opinions by the other party. When both parties resonate with a certain opinion, they will continue the topic happily. Conversely, if one party’s views are not accepted, continuing the conversation will appear boring and unable to proceed. In conversations, when appropriate, nodding your head to express agreement or stand in the customer’s position to consider the problem can enhance mutual feelings and help your work a lot. Carefully find out the concerns and interests of the guests.

10. Don’t interrupt the guest

During a conversation, if someone interrupts the guest without saying the complete sentence, it is very impolite and will make the speaker uncomfortable. Answering after listening to the other party can reduce the occurrence of misunderstandings.

11. Criticism and praise

Don’t criticize the other party’s company or product, and don’t praise the customer’s opponent’s service or product. Praise each other for their strengths. Appropriate praise will make the other person unforgettable; similarly, inadvertent criticism can also hurt the other person.

12. Don’t abuse professional terminology when talking with guests or making introductions, use more concrete and vivid sentences to explain. When using professional terminology or making abstract introductions, some simple methods can be used, such as talking about the green area of ​​10,000 square meters At the time, you can tell customers how many basketball courts the green area is equivalent to.

13. Learn to use idioms

Appropriate use of some idioms when talking let people feel your quality and connotation and increase customers’ desire to talk with you.

Ⅱ. Catch the guest first

Getting the heart of customers is more important than completing a sale. Don’t care if you once owned (customers), but want forever. Once owning can only bring short-term benefits, you can harvest both short-term and long-term benefits for a long time. Customers are not your “money cows”. Customers are your good friends, and they will bring you a cornucopia. Every morning, you should prepare to make more friends. You should not sell anything to your friend; you should find what you want to buy for him. There is a big difference between selling a house to a customer and buying a house for a customer. Customers like to buy and not to sell. Concentrate on understanding the needs of customers, help customers choose the best place, and be satisfied. The customer does not just want to buy a property; he wants to buy peace of mind, a sense of satisfaction, a good investment, and proud ownership. The highest level of sales promotion is to help customers get an easier and more enjoyable life. They may not get more Income in a short time (this is unlikely), but your feelings should be very good. When you get used to this approach, your Income will increase by leaps and bounds.

Ⅲ. Use both eye and brain.

1. Four ways of seeing, one side of the brain

This is the realm that a salesperson should be able to achieve when communicating with customers. Pay close attention to the transmission of signals such as spoken language and body language of customers, pay attention to the way of thinking of human beings, and make accurate judgments to carry out the five steps of sales smoothly. Customers usually find some excuses before deciding to “settle down”. The salesperson must judge the truth and falsehood through observation. Don’t believe the customer’s pretentious words. Grasp the customer’s psychological reaction and grasp the customer’s Use your eyes to see, pay attention, and listen with your ears.

2. Pay attention to the way humans think

The way of human thinking is to reflect the brain’s thinking through seeing, so we can use this to strengthen the guest’s visual response, enhance their feelings, and deepen the impression. Even if the guests have a rational analysis, they are willing to buy things with strong senses, for example two people dating, the man says “I love you” to the woman, the woman may feel nothing, if the man sends flowers to strengthen his feeling, then In addition to hearing the phrase “I love you”, women can also see with their eyes and strengthen the credibility of the phrase “I love you”.

3. Transmission of spoken language signals

When customers have the intention to buy, they usually send out the following verbal signals:

◆Customers’ questions turn to the details of the product, such as fees, prices, payment methods, etc.;

◆Learn more about after-sales service;

◆ Positive affirmation and praise for the introduction of the salesman;

◆ Ask about the degree of preference;

◆Express dissatisfaction with the products currently in use;

◆ Ask the salesman about the delivery time and whether it can be advanced;

◆Receive the introduction of the salesman and ask a question;

◆Some objections to the product.

4. Implementation and use of body language

The expression language number and gesture language number reflect the conversion of customers’ willingness during the purchase process.

5. Emoticon signals

◆Customers’ facial expressions have changed from indifferent, suspicious, and deep to natural and generous, easy-going,

◆The turning of the eyes changes from slow to fast, and the expression in the eyes is bright and radiant, from thoughtful to bright and relaxed;

◆The lips began to tighten as if they were trying to taste and weigh something.

6. Posture language signals

◆The customer’s posture changes from leaning forward to leaning back, and the body and language appear relaxed;

◆Appear in a relaxed posture, lean back, wipe your face and hair, or do other relaxing and stretching movements;

◆Pick up the order book and look closely;

◆Start to observe the product carefully;

◆Turn around and approach the salesman, take out a cigarette and let the other person smoke to show friendship and enter into small talk;

◆Suddenly tap the table or a part of the body with your hand gently to help you focus your thoughts and make a final decision.

7. Inspire purchase motivation

Every customer has a potential purchase motive, which may not even be known to him. The salesperson’s responsibility is to “discover” this hidden motive and not to be deceived by the customer’s appearance and clothing, even if he is just buying food. Get this opportunity. Salespersons must not think that customers do not want to buy a property and adopt an indifferent or opposite attitude, and do not wait for customers to inquire, but take the initiative to greet and guide customers.

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